TPL News App
✎ Get latest News reports and updates on happenings from all around the Globe through distinct International News portals like BBC, CNN, Google, Mirror, Guardian, NYT and many more.
➺ The app auto-collects latest news-flash from everyone and displays them to you in a single package
Just make a one-time manual selection of your preferred “Language, Country and News Portals” from which you wish to get updates. That’s it! Now, whenever you’ll open the application, latest happenings will be right in front of your eyes.
Additionally, you can even set your daily reminder twice a day i.e. Morning and Evening, turn on the toggle at once and get your daily story ready with a hot cup of tea!
➺ The app auto-collects latest news-flash from everyone and displays them to you in a single package
Just make a one-time manual selection of your preferred “Language, Country and News Portals” from which you wish to get updates. That’s it! Now, whenever you’ll open the application, latest happenings will be right in front of your eyes.
Additionally, you can even set your daily reminder twice a day i.e. Morning and Evening, turn on the toggle at once and get your daily story ready with a hot cup of tea!
Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Mon-Sun: 9:00am - 6:00pm
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