Wedding Bands and Rings

Address 3500 Piedmont Rd NE Atlanta, GA, 30305
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Our many years of experience and success in different arenas of design helped us create an ultimate concept collection of men’s designer rings with state-of-the-art designs and very fine workmanship. This
collection is crafted from the most precious metals and gems including gold, platinum and diamonds. Rockford Collection rings are proudly made in USA.

Our lifetime warranty offers absolutely free diamond and gemstone tightening, cleaning, re-polishing and rhodium plating.

In the event that there is ever a problem with your jewelry - or your Rockford Collection jewelry are in need of other services that are not covered under our lifetime warranty - your purchased jewelry can be mailed back to our main office for further evaluation. Once our jewelers inspect your item, should charges apply, we will notify you prior to any work or services done.

Rockford Collection is an official American brand of men’s designer rings and wedding bands. Our creative team of jewelers and designers believes in design innovation in the men’s jewelry industry - especially men’s rings and wedding bands.


Payment Types
All credit cards, cash

Jewelry Designers
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