Finally Sold

(480) 469-5814
Address 11225 N 28th Dr., Suite c218 Phoenix, AZ, 85029
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Finally Sold is a company that buys houses in Phoenix Arizona and all throughout the USA. We buy houses in any area, condition, and price range. We are different from most home buyers because we pay all cash, let you pick whatever closing date you wish, and even pay for all of the closing costs. We also buy homes in their as is condition regardless of the amount of repairs that they may require. Regardless if your house is in perfect condition or in need of a lot of TLC, we would love the opportunity to purchase it from you. Some people that contact us are in a hurry to sell their home because it may be in foreclosure or probate and need to quickly settle an estate. Other times people want to sell their house fast because they are facing an unexpected event like a divorce, job loss, disability, job transfer, death of a spouse, or a drop in income. Sometimes the home sellers are looking to downsize, or perhaps even get a bigger property instead. Regardless of why you want to sell your home, many people love the fact that they can avoid wasting months trying to sell your home with a real estate agent and get a top dollar offer and close is about a week’s time instead. If you had only contacted us 10 days ago, your house could have already been Finally Sold by now.

Mon-Sun: 8:00am - 7:30pm

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