Elevation Investment Properties, LLC


Address 2130 N Raleigh St Denver, CO, 80212
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Hi, I'm Derek! I've been working with Denver area homeowners for over 10 Years, offering fast, fair, and honest home buying transactions.
You see, my company, Elevation Investment Properties has set out to change the stereotype, of what it truly means to be an honest cash home buyer in Denver.This business isn't all about how much money I can make, as quick as I can make it (or at least it shouldn't be).
It's about People. And Families. It's about doing right by them, regardless of the financial outcome. It's Going to bed at night knowing that I truly made a difference in someone else's life.That's our mission. That's what we are all about at Elevation.

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Real Estate
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