Persian Rug Cleaning

Address 545 Broadway#29 Brooklyn, NY, 11206
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Persian Rug Cleaning has been serving the people of Brooklyn, NY for years and would love the opportunity service you with our state of the art cleaning services. We provide high end carpet cleaning in homes and businesses throughout the area. Whether you’re looking for a one time carpet cleaning, or you want to schedule something more frequently, we can help get the job done properly.
We have a variety of different services related to keeping your carpets clean and new. Take a look at the different options we have when it comes to carpet cleaning in Brooklyn. We’re confident we will be able to help keep your carpets look great.
When you call us for carpet cleaning in Brooklyn or the surrounding area we will set up an appointment to come to your home or business at a time that is convenient for you. Once we arrive we will begin by using our state of the art carpet cleaning equipment to remove even the most ground in dirt and other contaminants. We use only environmentally safe cleaning supplies as well, so once we have completed the job, you can be confident that your children and pets will be safe while on and around the carpets.
We also offer full office cleaning services throughout Brooklyn and NYC. This, of course, can include carpet cleaning but it is not limited to just this one service. We can also handle deep cleaning, window cleaning and much more. We are a leader in medical office cleaning jobs. Contact us if you need a professional cleaning crew to help keep your facility looking its best.
Our skilled hoe cleaning team can come in and handle everything from the floors to the ceiling. Just let us know what type of work you need done, and we’ll get it taken care of for you. We offer full ‘deep cleaning’ services for your home, or we can just take care of one room or area of the house. Our flexibility makes us the best house cleaning option in the Williamsburg area. Call us with any questions or to schedule a cleaning today.
Commercial facilities of all types can get very dirty, very quickly. Whether it is because of a lot of foot traffic from customers, or just the day to day work of employees, it is something you need to keep up on. Our team of commercial cleaning professionals is more than happy to come out as often as you need them to handle all your commercial cleaning so you can focus on more important things.
No matter what type of cleaning services you need, we would love to provide them for you. Our experienced cleaners are very flexible and can work around your schedule, so please give us a call with any questions you may have or to set up a cleaning appointment today. We look forward to serving you soon.

Mon-Sun: 8:00am - 7:00pm

Payment Types
All cc, cash

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