Wedding Limo NYC

Address 2481 E 19th St Brooklyn, NY, 11235
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Thank you for visiting the web site of Wedding Limo NYC! We’re proud to be the best choice for wedding transportation in the entire city, with a huge fleet of limousines for you to choose among, and totally customized service to make sure that everything is perfect for the couple who are being married! We offer the absolute apex of wedding transportation in the city to get the happy couple to and from the venue in style and luxury, and we can customize the limousine in any way that you want, as well as giving you a huge choice of vehicles to make the wedding transport extra special! When you rent a limousine from us, you can rest assured that the vehicle will arrive on time and in tip-top shape, since before every wedding engagement we have our mechanics check everything out and detail the vehicle so that it will be supremely clean and inviting, as well as having zero chance of mechanical failures along the way. Whether you want a classy white Bentley limousine or an impressive Cadillac Escalade, a sporty Porsche limo or an elegant Lexus model, or even a classic antique like a Rolls Royce or a Packard, Wedding Limo NYC has just what you need to make the wedding you’re planning even more memorable for the years to come! Our clients all agree that we’re the best service from whom to hire a limousine in New York City.


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cash, credit cards, PayPal

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Limousine Service
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