Asif onemedical Asif

Address 165 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY, 11021
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The Women's Health Free Clinic (WHFC) In 2008, the clinic expanded to include a new division - The Women’s Health Free Clinic - the nation's first comprehensive, free, student-run women's health clinic, providing a full range of women’s health and reproductive care. Community Outreach Program The NYCFC launched its Community Outreach Program to promote health in at-risk populations that suffer from poor access to healthcare. This community outreach initiative allows the clinic to perform large-scale screenings that address the health needs of a more diverse patient population than would be possible at the clinic itself.
community outreach initiative allows the clinic to perform large-scale screenings that address the health needs of a more diverse patient population than would be possible at the clinic itself.
community outreach initiative allows the clinic to perform large-scale screenings that address the health needs of a more diverse patient population than would be possible at the clinic itself.
community outreach initiative allows the clinic to perform large-scale screenings that address the health needs of a more diverse patient population than would be possible at the clinic itself.

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

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