Happy Herbalist


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Address 516 Alliance Circle, Cary, NC, 27519
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At Happy Herbalist, we believe food makes our life Healthy and Happy.

We sustain Kombucha, Kefir, Ginger Beer, Caspian Sea Yogurt, and other Probiotic Drinks for their flavors as well as to upgrade their therapeutic impacts.

We offer reasonable wellbeing other options to brutal chemicals, engineered tranquilizes, and to manufactured “regular” herbs. We trust that detached, institutionalized, concentrated single parts of a characteristic herb are medications (phyto-pharmaceuticals).

We also offer different books from various kombucha authors like:
-Healthy Beverage Natural Remedy from the Far East
-Kombucha Miracle Fungus by Harald Tietze
-Kombucha Teaology by Harald Tietze
-Paypaya Paw Paw the Medicine Tree by Harald Tietze
-Urine The Holy Water by Harald Tietze Third Ediion and many more.

Food & Beverage
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