Glass Shower Doors


Address 626 Midland Ave, Ground Floor Staten Island, NY, 10306
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We live in a time where everyone wants to shop online. The conventional way of going to your local brick and mortar retailer is slowly fading. People are starting to shop more online because it is convenient and often times cheaper.At Glass Shower Doors we understand that your living space plays a big role in your life. That is why we strive to provide you with the best possible products and design ideas at a price point that can fit your budget. We are an industry leader in shower panels and offer a variety of brands. We carry Hansgrohe, Fresca, Dreamline, Vigo, Ariel, and others so you are sure to find something that will fit your needs.Feel free to call us. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority so never hesitate to contact us. Thank you for being a valued customer and happy shopping!.

Mon-Sat: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Sun: 10:00am - 7:00pm

Payment Types
cash, credit cards

Shower Doors
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