International Movers


Address 244 East 38th Street New York, NY, 10016
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International Movers is dedicated to helping make all your international and overseas moves go smoothly. International moving can get quite complicated, so taking advantage of our expertise is a great way to ensure you don’t run into any problems. When you call, you’ll be speaking with an experienced moving consultant who will be able to answer any questions you might have, and help you to make any arrangements needed along the way.

We really understand just how stressful these types of moves can be, and we are dedicated to taking the stress and difficulty out of it for you. We have the experience necessary to plan for any potential problem, and take steps to avoid them whenever possible. We’ll be here to make this move as easy as possible for you and your family, so don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or to schedule a move today, just call at

Our experienced customer care professionals will be happy to answer any questions you have, or explain any of our services. They will also make any arrangements necessary for an upcoming move for your home or businesses. Here at Inter Movers, we are here for you every step of the way. We know that moving can be difficult and stressful, and we want to help guide you throughout the process to make it as easy as possible.

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 7:00pm

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