Baby Dolls Dallas


Address 10250 Shady Trail Dallas, TX, 75220
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Whether you hang your hat in Dallas, Fort Worth or Arlington, Baby Dolls is the place you can call your home away from home. With two convenient locations in the DFW metroplex, there's a saloon nearby, ready to serve you. With up to 175 of the finest women in Texas at each club, you'll definitely want to make Baby Dolls the place for your bext party, special event or Guys Night Out. We spared no expense in setting the stage for our beautiful dancers to perform, and for the enjoyment and relaxation of our clientele. We've also added 100 Plasma televisions, so that you may enjoy your favorite sporting event to the fullest extent. The fun never ends at Baby Dolls as we turn an average Guys Night Out into a night you won't soon forget.

Night Clubs, Adult Entertainment
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