Green Mill Catering


Address 1342 Grand Ave. Saint Paul, MN, 55105
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Green Mill Catering takes everything we know about preparing and serving award-winning food and brings it to your event! From intimate gatherings to large-scale affairs, let Green Mill Catering take care of the details. Our experienced catering experts know the importance of food for your event and will create the right presentation down to the last detail - including the highest level of service from our sales staff to the on-site wait staff. Whether you're on the hunt for a Wedding Caterer, Groom's Dinner Catering, Corporate Event Catering or Beverage Services, our flexibility & flawless execution make Green Mill Catering the perfect fit for your event. With 27 properties throughout the upper Midwest, including the Twin Cities & greater Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Kansas, Green Mill Restaurant & Bar features a variety of unique locations to accommodate your event. Many of our restaurants are part of a hotel complex and offer full-service banquet facilities, while others feature unique gathering spaces perfect for more intimate or smaller events. For groups of all sizes, from 5 to 5,000, Green Mill Catering caters to your every need. Make your next event a delicious success! Contact our Catering Coordinator.

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