Car Lease Sales

Address 246 W 23rd St #208 Brooklyn, NY, 10011
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If you’re in the market for a new vehicle you will want to make sure you are working with the best auto lease company possible. When you compare the prices and other features of one leasing agency to another you can often find that you can save a significant amount of money. Each company sets their prices differently and also has different leasing terms available to choose from.

Another important thing to look at when comparing car lease companies is their availability of vehicles. Most car leasing companies only offer a few different types of vehicles. For example, they may lease Ford and Mazda or something like that. This really limits you on the selection that is available. If you want to look at other cars, you have to drive around to multiple dealers, which is a big waste of time and money. Here at Car Lease Sales, however, we operate differently. Take some time to look through some of the things that set us apart. When done, feel free to call us with any questions you might have.

Mon - Thur 9am – 9pm, Fri 9am – 7pm, Sat 9am – 9pm, Sun 10am – 7pm

Payment Types
cash, check credit cards

Leasing Service
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