Anaheim Limo Rentals

(714) 406-4902

Address 675 North Euclid St #279 Anaheim, CA, 92801
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The most prestine limos in all of Orange County. We are the premier rental service for extravogaunt limousines and love to serve our clients in the most professional way possible. Our vehicles are clean from the insisde out. You know a good time is about to ensure when you see out rides arriving to pick you up.
Luxurious fleet- All of out rides are in prime condition. There is a lot of up keep for a vehicles and you can rest asure that all the bells and whistles will be present when you get in. We have complimentary champagne on ice and bar. Ipod hookups and compelling sound system really set the mood. We are sonstantly adding new limousines to are fleet and have something for every occasion!
Profeesional Service - Professionalism is what you can expect when we arrive - early and looking daper (if we do say ourselves). It is important that you have a driver that knows what he is doing. Not only do our chauffers knwo thier way around town, they are certified and will keep all passenger safe while traveling


Payment Types
Cash, Check, Credit Card

Year established

Limousine Service
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