Shiloh Counseling Services

Address 12402 Slide Rd #402 Lubbock, TX, 79424
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Shiloh Counseling Services is a Christian counseling practice in Lubbock, Texas, with a second office location in Amarillo, Texas. Madoc Thomas, Ph.D., founded Shiloh in 1991, and Shiloh has thrived while serving Lubbock for over 20 years. In 2012 ownership was transferred to Sarah McDowell and Christina Truitt, who desire to carry on in the spirit in which Shiloh was founded, bringing peace, growth, and hope to our clients. While Madoc has stepped down as owner/director, he continues to play a vital role at Shiloh, advising the new owners, and counseling on limited basis.

Mon-Sun: 7:00am - 9:00pm

Payment Types
MasterCard,  Amex,  Cash, Visa,  Discover &  Checks

Year established

Child Psychologist, Counseling Services, Free Anger Management Classes, Free Marriage Counseling, Psychiatric Hospitals
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