Bush Electric Service

(903) 639-2018
Address 3537 County Road 2993 Hughes Springs, TX, 75656
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Electrical Contractors, Electricians, Gray Industrial Electric Inc., Gray Industrial Electric Inc, Shamrock Electric
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Bush Electric Service Reviews

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1.01 review
2019.06.07 16:01
Too many to count....
My name is Danny Bush. I'm the owner of Bush Electrical Services. I'm a lazy, dishonest, worthless, fake, fraud, meth addicted scumbag. I pretend to be a master electrician with many years of experience in electrical wiring. I reality I don't know a fuckin thang about electrical stuff...lol. I scam people by asking for money up front to do a job, usually 50% down, then I disappear with their money and never show up again- lol. After I get their money I ignore their phone calls and threats and usually wind up blocking them. I move around a lot because the police and attorneys are always looking for me and because I owe a lot of money from people that I've scammed, not to mention dope dealers that are looking for me as well...lol I don't own anything of value, in case you try to sue me...lol. So there you have it. I'm that piece of shit that will rip you off if you're stupid enough to hire me...lol. HAVE A NICE DAY ASSHOLES!!! :)