Lice Knowing You

(503) 239-5423

Address 1125 SE Madison St Portland, OR, 97214
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We are Portland's primary source for lice removal products and services. Parents know they can trust us when dealing with their children's lice problems because our products are made without pesticides and contain no damaging environmental toxins. Do not let lice stop you from enjoying life. With Lice Knowing You©, you can be rid of them once and for all, and all without damaging chemicals. So start shopping today for the products you need to be done with lice and back to your normal life!

Monday to Sunday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Payment Types
Visa, ATM / Debit, Cash, Mastercard, American Express, Invoice, Personal Check

Year established

Lice Removal, Lice Treatment, Head Lice Removal Products, Mobile Lice Removal, Lice Removal Clinic
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