The Essence of China

Address 1727 Willamette Falls Dr West Linn, OR, 97068
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When you want Chinese food in West Linn, OR, come to The Essence of China

Sunday: 12:00PM to 9:00PM
Monday: 11:00AM to 9:00PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM to 9:00PM
Wednesday: 11:00AM to 9:00PM
Thursday: 11:00AM to 9:00PM
Friday: 11:00AM to 10:00PM
Saturday: 11:00AM to 10:00PM

Payment Types
MasterCard  Amex  Cash  Visa  Discover  Checks  

All You Can Eat Seafood Buffet Restaurants, Asian Restaurants, Changs Mongolian Grill, Chinese Buffet Restaurants, Chinese Delivery
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