Castle Rock Dental

(406) 252-1852

Address 926 Main St Ste 23 Billings, MT, 59105
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We are a local Dentist in Billings that specialize in providing implants to replace lost teeth extraction, immediate denture care, same day relines and repairs, denture implant that are supported or removable, full dentures, implants for crowns and bridges . Our goal is to provide you the very best dental care to help you have top notch dental health. We always strive to deliver the best in high value, economically priced services.

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Payment Types
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Personal Check, Financing Available

Year established

Dentist, Dentists Medicaid, Denture Repair, Dentures
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