Power Lab Fitness


Address 7201 Green Lake Trail Seattle, WA, 98115
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As a premiere, goal focused service that offers personalized support to each one of our clients, you won't find our programs featured on daily deal or coupon sites, which are being shown to reduce the value of service provided by small businesses like ours. Not a fad, the quality of our program has been featured in national magazines like Women's Health Magazine and Fitness Magazine, and we were declared 'Best Boot Camp' in Seattle Magazine's June 2010 issue and in Lucky Magazine's May 2012 issue. We stand by the quality and value of our program at full cost, as do our clients. More than half of the women who join our community are women who find us through positive word-of-mouth and the referral of satisfied friends. Getting serious about your fitness or weight loss goals? Call us, let's make a plan together.
Join us for an authentic northwest fitness experience at Green Lake Park. You won't find crowds or mirrors in Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp classes. Just effective, fresh air training for women who expect results.

Mon-Thu: 8:30am – 5:30pm

Year established

Exercise & Physical Fitness Programs
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Sitehttps://powerlabseattle.com false or inaccurate data? improve business info

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