Frenchtown Dental Associates


Address 2580 South County Trail East Greenwich, RI, 02818
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At Frenchtown Dental Associates, Dr. Shanthi Cariappa and her team pride themselves on offering the highest level of quality dental care in a comfortable and calming environment. In order to ensure that every patient receives the best treatment possible, Dr. Cariappa and her team travel throughout the country to learn new cutting edge techniques and skills in order to offer the best care.
Dr. Cariappa is proud to be able to offer her extensive knowledge in areas including, but not limited to: Cosmetic dentistry, full mouth rehabilitation, Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea, Esthetic Removable Prosthesis, and Restorative Implant Dentistry. Dr. Cariappa is proud to be one of only three diplomates of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine in the state of RI.
Located in East Greenwich, RI at the intersection of Frenchtown Road and South County Trail.

Mon & Tue 8am - 6pm, Wed & Thur 8am - 5pm

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