The Hipster Roofer


Address 901 Pepperell Ct Austin, TX, 78753
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My name is Steven Harmon, although some people know me as ""The Hipster Roofer."" I moved to Austin to work for a tech startup and worked in the startup world until I made the move from IT Management to Roofing. One thing I longed for in tech was more human interaction and Roofing filled that longing. I currently work as a Project Manager at Birdcreek Roofing, managing commercial and residential roofing projects in Central Texas.

About this website

After making the move to roofing I noticed there was a lack of quality roofing resources available to homeowners. My goal is to create resources on this site to help anyone with their roofing in any way that I can. If you have a question about roofing or need a new roof send me a message!

I help home owners and businesses get the most out of their roofs through roofing resources on this website, and person consultation throughout central Texas

Payment Types
Credit card , Debit cards , Cash

Roofing Contractors, Roofing Services Consultants, Roofing Contractors-Commercial & Industrial, Roofing Equipment & Supplies
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