NCB Basketball Court Installation


Address 4565 Eureka St Las Vegas, NV, 89103
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NCB Basketball Court Installation is the industry leader in court surface installation, resurface, and repair. We work on a myriad of custom-built materials, colors, and designs to design the perfect court you deserve! With nearly 2 decades of experience, we can work on competitive sport court systems for any project, for homes and commercial sports facilities. From basketball to tennis to pickleball among others, our trust-worthy contractors have the expertise and experience to help you move your project in the right direction! We're licensed, experienced, and equipped to give you the best customer experience. Call our phone number today or visit our website to know more about our services!

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Mon To Fri: 8:00AM–7:00PM; Sat-Sun: 10:00AM–4:00PM

Basketball court contractor
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