Newark Managed Computer Services


Address 36 Farley Ave Newark, NJ, 07108
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DGROM Computer Services is an information technology provider that specializes in helping small businesses with their IT needs, while providing cost effective and strategic solutions. DGROM Computer Services is focused on providing Managed IT Services in Newark and Central Jersey, New Jersey.
We foster long-term partnerships with all clients. Your business is amazing and deserves care and attention. We always push the extra mile to deliver a truly pleasant, thorough, and professional experience. Our success depends on yours.
We specialize in technology solutions that match the needs of local small organizations including IT Support, IT Consulting & Training, and Cloud Computing. Our goal is to be more than the “IT Guys”, we want to be your trusted partners to make sure your business is running smoothly and efficiently while you focus on other important aspects. Call us now and find out more about our services.

8:30Am - 6:00Pm

Computer & Electronics Recycling
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