Plano Grease Trap Pumping


Address 2920 Mulberry Ln Plano, TX, 75074
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Plano Grease Trap Pumping is your fast & reliable grease trap service company in Plano. We pride ourselves on being available when others are not. Whether you are a current customer of ours or not, we will do our best to pump out your grease trap or grease interceptor. We provide grease trap pumping & grease trap cleaning services in Plano, Texas. Our pump trucks are clean, well maintained & sized for small traps in parking garages, all the way up to 3000-gallon underground grease interceptors. We handle the pumping, cleaning, documentation & disposal process for you in one easy visit. We give free estimates over the phone & provide discounts for regular scheduled services. Call us for quality grease trap pumping services in Plano.

M - F 8 AM - 5 PM, Sat and Sun closed

Grease Traps
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