Mobile Mechanic Memphis

(901) 244-4525

Address 3245 Brevard Dr Memphis, TN, 38116
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Mobile Mechanic Memphis is here to get your car running as fast and for the least amount possible out of your pocket! We save you money by not having to tow your car to a shop and then charge you less than most auto repair shops cost. You can enjoy the convenience of having a professional mechanic coming to you and saving money. We can do this because we keep our overhead down by not having high monthly rent or advertising costs and then we rely on mostly repeat and referral business.

We would love to earn your repeat business as well. So give us a call or contact us and see how nice it is to have a professional mechanic come to you.

Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm, Sat 10:00am - 6:00pm, Sun 10:00am-5:00pm

Year established

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