Compushooter LLC

(480) 464-0202

Address 9340 E Redfield Rd Scottsdale, AZ, 85260
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Compushooter LLC provides managed IT services in Scottsdale, catering to a diverse range of sectors including Veterinary Clinics/Hospitals, Dental Practices, Non-Profit Organizations, Construction, CPA & Financials, and Small to Medium Businesses with 5 or more computers. We specialize in proactive system monitoring, data protection, and efficient IT solutions designed to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Whether it's setting up a new network, troubleshooting issues, or implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, our team of skilled technicians is committed to ensuring the seamless functioning of your IT infrastructure. With Compushooter LLC, you can focus on your core business while we handle your IT needs.

Monday - Sunday: Open 24 hours

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