New Jersey Rug Cleaning


Address 271 Morris Ave Elizabeth, NJ, 07208
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Working with all kind of rugs since 2002, we are located in New Jersey. We at New Jersey Rug Cleaning are specialized in rug repairs, from water damage to removal of pet stains, we provide a variety of services available to satisfy our customer needs, pick ups, deliveries, and as well with the best prizes discounts you will ever find. service never seen before, that will make you not want to use any other rug cleanning service company. Here at New Jersey Rug Cleaning we care, thast why we guarantee our work 100% and at the same time provide you with a free estimate no obligation to you so that it can adjust to your money needs. Call now!

Monday-Friday | 08:00-19:00 Saturday | Close Sunday | 09:00-17:00

Carpet & Rug Cleaners
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