Elemental Design Corp

Address 221 S Franklin Rd #750 Indianapolis, IN, 46219
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Elemental Design Corp is a family-owned company with over a decade of experience specializing in countertops and multi-surface fabrication. Located in Indianapolis, we don’t just build countertops, we build relationships with our clients.

Our team takes you through the entire process, from design to production to installation. In this fast-paced environment and with an overabundance of choices, we focus first and foremost on what is in the best interest of our customers: quality countertop details and materials, friendly and communicative customer service, and great prices.

Most importantly, because we are a custom shop, we can provide custom waterfall countertops, mitered edges, and special cut sizes and shapes, and we make the process simple for you, so you can just enjoy your beautiful new countertops.

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