Sally Said So Professional Dog Training


Address 6212 North Hills Drive #E Raleigh, NC, 27609
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Our dog training services include:
Puppy Training
Expecting Mothers Canine Preparation Course
Pre Purchase Puppy Consultations
Puppy Preschool
Private, in-home training classes
Behavior Modification
AKC Canine Good Citizen
Fun group classes in your community
In-home programs for adult dogs dealing with severe behavioral issues
Dogs in need of basic obedience
Dog agility training
Service dog training
Off leash k9 training
And more!
You can feel at ease knowing we have the most experienced dog trainers.
We will gladly convene for a consultation where go over any issues you may be dealing with while also evaluating your pup and determining the next steps as far as methods and routine.
Sally Said So Professional Dog Training is Fear Free Certificated.

7am - 9pm 7 days a week

Year established

Dog Training
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