Sewer & Drain Cleaning


Address 1281 Arthur Kill Rd, Staten Island, NY, 10312
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Victor Sewer and Drain Service utilizes the latest technology and only the very best products. The combination ensures that our customers get the very best service. The marriage between high class products and the best machinery is kept alive by our experienced staff. Our staff members have been servicing the Staten Island area for years and are some of the most highly trained workers in the area. With their expertise, you are bound to see the very best drain and sewer service. Victor Sewer offers the best expertise when it comes to complete sewerage and drainage. With a staff that has years of experience in the industry, and hundreds of successful services, we are high on experience. Furthermore, Victor Sewer uses the very best technology and only the best products in all of our services. With an emphasis on customer service and quality drain and sewer service, our staff brings out the best in the technology and the products to give customers an overwhelmingly professional and thoroughly complete drainage and sewerage service. Victor Sewer and Drain Corp offers the most complete residential drain and sewerage service. We understand the importance of a smooth and working sewerage service in the home and with that thought in our mind, offer residential services that are designed to make sure that your home gets the very best of both. With our residential service, you are bound to see a marked improvement in the working of your drain and sewerage system. You will no longer need to worry about it for a long time.

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Cash, all cc.

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