Cleaner Floors Boise


Address 3355 N Five Mile Rd #118 Boise, ID, 83713
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We are a full service carpet cleaner in the Boise metro area. We specialize in keeping the home and business floors professionally cleaned. We have been in business since 2010, but have nearly 20 years experience cleaning carpets.
We are committed to our customers to make sure our process is safe and most effective as possible when cleaning your carpet, tile, grout, upholstery, rugs or linoleum.
We are proud to be serving a large portion of Eastern Idaho including, Boise, Nampa, Meridian, Eagle, Kuna and more.
If you are looking for a company that is dependable, honest, affordable and experienced then you must call Cleaner Floors Boise.

Carpet & Rug Cleaners
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