Corpus Christi Windshield Repair

Address 802 Saint Benedict Ct Corpus Christi, TX, 78416
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Although mobile glass repair services aren’t new; many drivers don’t always trust them. They feel that all auto repairs must be completed in an expensive mechanic’s shop. This is more than likely due to too many cheap repair teams who only cover small chips and other low-quality teams that only want insurance money. In fact, some of these companies do little more than buy a repair kit from the store but charge for professional services.
Without forcing you into a repair garage, we get the best results each time. We use only the best professional grade sealants, epoxies, and other tools and equipment to restore your auto glass to like new again. And unlike those cheap DIY kits, your windows and windshields won’t have that cloudy finish in the end.


Windshield Repair
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