River City Process Service

(916) 446-2051

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(877) 446-2051

Address 8801 Folsom Blvd #165 Sacramento, CA, 95826
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Do you need a Service of Process in Sacramento? You’ve come to the right place. All of our Sacramento Process Servers are trained and certified. We take a professional approach to serving process in Sacramento and other cities throughout California. River City Process Service has been serving the legal community as well as the private sector in the Sacramento, California area for 15 years.

We are committed to provide our clients with superior service that will allow you to spend more time on what is really important. We will deliver you with prompt, accurate and diligent service to meet your business needs.

Legal Services, Process Servers
Social Mediawww.facebook.com
Sitehttp://www.rivercityprocessservice.com false or inaccurate data? improve business info

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