EHC Buffalo: Kalpana Patel, MD

(716) 236-8826

Address 65 Wehrle Dr Buffalo, NY, 14225
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Environmental Health Center–Buffalo (EHC Buffalo) was founded by Kalpana Patel, MD, FAAP, FAAEM, DABEM, a board-certified and leading environmental medicine specialist. Dr Patel practices Functional, Integrative, and Environmental medicine. Dr. Patel established her practice to offer specialized care to patients in Buffalo, New York, and throughout New York State, as well as other domestic and international patients. She provides comprehensive evaluations of a wide range of medical issues and diseases, with a focus on the indoor and outdoor environments in which patients live and work.

Mon: 9AM–1PM | Tue, Wed: 9AM-2PM
Thu-Fri: 9AM–1PM

Payment Types
Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card

Doctor, Doctors Office, Doctors Offices, Family Doctor, Family Physicians
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